Fotos des E 88


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Healey Silverstone Datenblatt Chassis-Nr.: E 88

Spezial F/H Coupe

first Reg.No.:  PPD 224

Reg.No.: unbekannt

known owners:
Viticultral Research centre 1950
Mr Moon  1950
Ray Brock 1951 – 1959  Switzerland
M.J. Clay 1954
No trace of car since 1959


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1951 Bergrennen in der Schweiz, Maloja und Les Rangiers ,  Fahrer: Ray Brock
Goodwood 21st Aug driver M.J. Clay
Goodwood 18th June  ,,        ,,     ,, 


1951 Dec 26th The Motor  Artical br Ray Brock -  Much ado about Mountains.
1952 July 11th The Autocar  Talking of Sports Cars No 348  Special Bodied Healey

During 1951, a spezial bodied Silverstone – registration number PPD 224 – competed in hill climbs at Maloja and Les Rangiers, entered and driven by Ray Brock.

At these same event in 1950 Ray Brock had entered an HRG but with very little success as the classes permitted sports racing cars to compete in the same class as the HRG.
The Swiss interpretation of a “sports car” being one equipped with wings, lights and trafficators! It is amusing to note that another entrant from England, who arrived in a sports car without trafficators, was included in the class for racing cars! Needless to say, trafficators appeared with great alaority.

These two events were purely local to Switzerland and unknown elsewhere, as the Swiss authotities had omitted to apply for International recognition. However, by 1951 there had been some re-thinking of the class categories but the fitting of non-standard parts – such as oil coils etc. to series production sports cars automatically resulted in transfer to the Sports Racing Class. Anything which altered the original appearance of the car was permitted, apart from special bodywork. But even this had to weigh at least as much as the original bodywork.



Fotos des E 88


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