Fotos des E 80


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Healey Silverstone Datenblatt Chassis-Nr.: E 80

first Reg.No.: ERJ 123  


known owners:     
M. Reed 1950
Dudley Hely 1955 - 1956
broken up in 1956 and parts obtained by J. Bowers
_ _ _ _ _ _ _     England 1996



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Goodwood 17th May driver D. Hely
1952 Goodwood 26th July   driver D. Hely
Goodwood  6th April  driver D. Hely
1953  Goodwood 2nd May    driver D. Hely
1953  Goodwood 25th July     driver D. Hely
1953  Goodwood  12th Sept    driver D. Hely
1954  Goodwood   17th May     driver D. Hely
1954  Goodwood   26th July    driver D. Hely
1955  Goodwood   24 th Sept      driver D. Hely
1956  Goodwood   14th April      driver D. Hely
2008 Sept.  Goodwood Revival  -  Fordwater Race,  driver: Neil Collins   St.Nr.: 20
2009 April 25.  VSCC at Silverstone 




E80 was involved in a bad crash in 1956 which killed the owner D. Hely. The car was written off and the engine sold and the parts salvageable were obtained by J. Bowers and stored until 1996.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ obtained these parts and has been putting the car together with other Silverstone parts he has obtained.

restoration in 2006

ready to race in 2007



Fotos des E 80


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