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Healey Silverstone Datenblatt Chassis-Nr.: D 49

first Reg.No.: KSM 747

Reg.No.: _ _ _

known owners:     
H. Wall  1950 - July 1953
A.T.M. Goode  1961 – 1965
Roger Ballard 1965 -1966
W. Mackie,  Warwickshire 1966   - 1979
T. J Pryke 1979 - 1992
D.R. Bell,  Berkshire 1979 - 1992
-J.Scott, Bury 1992 - 2005
Martyn Cragg   2005 -   






The car was destroyed in a crash when it fell into a ravine. The Chassis of D 49 was cut up in 1965, by Roger Ballard. He cut it up into small pieces and buried them. The body was badly dented and stored for many years until Tim Pryke bought it and restored it and put it on D 17. Reg No: KSM 747 was on the Silverstone prototype X 2 while Bill Mackie had it and then it was transferred back to D 49 when X 2 went to Australia. Today the car has a new chassis and the original body put back on this.

many thanks to Andrew for his help and support

Fotos des D 49


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