USA/1980 Dr. J. Kelly
in England - 1993 after the long restoration
3. June 2001 - sold and shipping to Allan Casavant / North Carolina - USA
Allan Casavant - 2005 - VIR Gold Cup - HMSA Vintage GT Challenge Virginia
SOLD , back to Europe
Cologne / Germany , 22.April 2009 - the new owner is a racing enthusiast
D47 need for the registration on the road some technical modification, in background D2
8.May 2009, Klaus Kuckuck erstellt das Wertgutachten
27.May 2009, the racing exhaust pipe was for the road to loudness, STÜBER designed a new pipe
AVD - Oldtimer Grand Prix 2009
Nürburgring - Historisches Fahrerlager - von Links: D47 - D21 - E99 - D2 / 8. Aug. 2009
Dr. Albert Streminski - Nürburgring Grand Prix Strecke
warten auf die Siegerehrung
Auf Wiedersehen - good bye - arrivederci - gruezi